About my services

I believe in entrepreneurial approaches to social problems. Many governmental and philanthropic efforts have fallen short of expectations over the last many years and social entrepreneurs are needed to develop new models for a changing and uncertain future. The business community is in need of leaders who are committed to improving the world through commerce and using business as a force for good.

As a consultant and social entrepreneur,  my job is to help you advance your missions more successfully through ongoing innovation. I provide results-driven strategic leadership and guidance to help you develop a strategy, build an organizational framework, and forge a path to successful leadership so that you can navigate your day-to-day tasks with confidence and ease.

With my global experience, diverse network, talent for entrepreneurship, and 30+ years in both the nonprofit and for-profit worlds, I have the skills and resources to guide you and put you on track to thrive. You and your organization want to be authentic, creative, open, and dynamic — I’ll help you make that a reality.



Entrepreneurs are uniquely placed to use business to change the world for the better. Sustainable, ethical, values-based revenue generation will uplift our communities, if enterprising individuals have the support they need to succeed. Over twenty years experience in both the for-profit and non-profit worlds has given me the perspective to see how business interests can align with social and environmental interests, and be profitable. Often there is a strong vision in place without the strategy, infrastructure, or connections to make that vision a reality. My goal is to guide you through the process of identifying opportunities for innovation that will lead to successful fulfillment of your mission.    


Nonprofit organizations operate on strict budgets and great vision. Often these organizations need support to hone their mission, communicate their impact, and define leadership roles. As a long time board member on a variety of boards, the former Executive Director of an environmental nonprofit and former Development Director of a large land trust, I understand the delicate balance of responsibility between the executive staff and Board of Directors. I understand the importance of communicating a clear, concise mission to potential donors. I also understand the skills that directors need to inspire staff, empower them to give their best work, and create a work environment that produces results.

I consult on the following topics:

  • Governance
  • Leadership coaching
  • Brandraising
  • Board engagement / coaching
  • Campaigns / Fundraising Strategies
  • Program Development and how it fits with other programs (economies of scale)
  • Storytelling (Pitch/Presentations)


If creativity and vision are the seed of your organization, then strategic planning and infrastructure will produce the fruit. As you work through the process of building an organization for profit or not-for-profit, you will need to create a stable foundation for growth in order to meet your goals. It is easy to get stuck in the day-to-day management, but you’ll need to see the big picture, too. An executive coach can give you perspective and act as a mirror for your organization, helping to identify the most effective ways forward. I’m prepared to assist you in creating strategic plans, defining your niche in the market, identifying the strengths of your organization and recognizing its limits in order to successfully fulfill your mission to do good in the world.

I consult on the following topics:

  • Executive Director growth
  • Team building

Past & Present Clients